Towards Marwick (Day 903)

It was another reasonable wander up the hill this morning, before I headed off to Birsay to deal with a leaky sink. I had a "while you are here" job and I sorted a problem with a dishwasher that has been annoying the customer for a fair while.
Back at home I did some paperwork and ordered some spares for another job, before lunch and the arrival home of my beautiful wife.
We decided on a wander along the coast at Birsay, and were caught in a heavy shower of rain as we headed for the car. Shots of distant rainbows were spoiled by the mass of raindrops on the lens.
We took the dogs down onto the beach so we could wash the mud off them in the sea and the view across to Marwick was worth a shot or two despite it being straight into the sun.
Back home, HV and I are actually having a night at home together! Hurrah!!!! :)

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