Whit A Chun!

My Dear Fellows and Dear Princess Normal,

I've been trying to be professional. Really I have. But today I had the task of basically listing every field on a series of screens so we can try to understand the data we have.

If I had a data model, I wouldn't have to do this. But hey - this is my working life:

- I swan in somewhere
- No effer has written anything down ever
- I sigh and swear to myself and start writing things down

So it is boring is what I am trying to say. Out of sheer necessity the iPod made its first appearance. I put on my "American Heartbeat" playlist which includes Survivor, Journey, Chicago, John Cougar Mellencamp and Toto.

Er Indoors told me she had a Glaswegian colleague back in Scotland who was OBSESSED with Toto. It's a strange band to be obsessed WITH, surely? I mean, who even knows what any of them LOOK like?

"They've only got one song," said Er Indoors.

I'm sure you know the one she means. I'm not going to mention it by name in case it plants itself in your heads. See? I'm considerate.

"They do NOT only have one song!" spluttered Colleague. Then she would put on her earphones and listen to them solidly for an afternoon. "Whit a CHUN!" she would blurt out occasionally. And "One song mah effin' AIRSE!!"

But I can in fact think of THREE Toto songs. All of which are on my "American Heartbeat" playlist. I happily sang along with them (mentally, in my head, not out loud, the Kiwis are not ready for that yet) and got through listing all the fields on the screens.

I felt good when I finished. I'll get the hang of this job yet, sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti.


p.s. Today's picture is taken on a little lane near our flat. Isn't that pretty? I do not know who planted it up, but thank you random person.

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