
It was a lot brighter this morning when I took PD out 
Amazing what a difference 15 minutes (and broken clouds) can make.

We passed another dead trolley - and a mushroom with a leaf embossed into it.
I still haven't worked out how to photograph the lichen covered tree properly - the whole whole is covered like this!.

Whilst out with PD I found out that the local hotel ( a Georgian building with 8 rooms for 15 guests) which advertises itself as a venue for small specialist weddings, has put in a planning application for 15 holiday chalets and an extension.
There are no notices posted and the houses round about have been given no notification.
When I got home I did some digging and sure enough, there is an application in - and any objections have to be in within 21 days from it being made 'public' - which was apparently nearly a week ago.
During my digging I found the the hotel owners had a tree survey done a year ago with a view to putting in the application. Of the 127 trees only 2 needed to come down but the owner indicated that they were planning to clear the ground. The Woodland Trust who own the adjacent land are not too happy and will be putting in an objection! (I wonder how they found out!!!!).
I was unable to look at the plans or others objections until I had submitted my own objection believe it or not .......... the West Lothian Council website is absolute shite and (I am sure) designed to make it almost impossible to navigate or use.

That little lot took me the rest of the morning.

Afternoon was another walk and inlaying silver wire into the platter.

Other shots today were................
With light
Dappled light.
Tree trunks
With light
The static door to the wood
A break in the clouds
Giving dappled light
Before the break healed.

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