Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto


Today’s picture might not look as though I did much work in the garden, but this section looks a lot better than it did. I took some before pictures, but they did not come out very well; the camera was on the wrong setting! However, I have included one picture as an extra, which shows the Golden Rod before I started; the Forsythia is not in this picture. I did not get as much done as I had hoped, but cut down the Golden Rod and gave one of our Forsythias a haircut; I also tied back some Rosemary bushes, which were overhanging the small pond. I can now see across the garden better especially when I am looking through the kitchen window. I had hoped to trim another forsythia and then do the Roses in the front border. However, after an hour and a half, my back was hurting so much that I had to stop.
The Roses are still flowering so there is no rush to prune them back. I usually do them in the Spring, but this year I did not, so they are rather straggly. I did fill all the water bowls, which are dotted about the garden, as well as the birdbath; the deer drink from it as well as from the various sized bowls on the ground for smaller animals. I also filled the feeders and did some other minor jobs before coming indoors to cook lunch.
If you want to see me in action, tying up the Rosemary, look here.

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