George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

Waiting to play

OK - so I've been away for a few days.  To be honest it's all she can do to get her own blips up let alone worrying about me. 

Every time we think things are settling down, something else turns up, and it's all go again.

But THEY do both take a bit of time to play toss toy with me, which is my favourite game in all the world.  And we have had some nice times in OGH garden, so it's not all work.

I do have some news for you about Raj.  Poor boy - he's having some teefs out today, and they did take him off to the vet in a cage and everything.  The house is nice and quiet - it was quite raucous for a while, because he didn't get to have any breakfast or anything, and I could tell his stomach thought his throat had been cut; but it hadn't really. 

He has to have something called a general ana.....anasth......he goes into a deep sleep so he can't feel what they are doing to him.  Just imagine - I think he'd slash their arms off otherwise.

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