La Paloma

Another rough night with Nate...I'm hoping we get back to semi decent nights soon...
Han & I had a morning of wandering & mooching. Lots of nattering. Then after collecting Asha from school we headed into the countryside to a gorgeous little cafe Danny & I have always wanted to go to - La Paloma. Little tables nestled in amongst citrus trees...delicious food...a relaxed atmosphere. Wonderful! 

Drama of the day;
Cutting myself (quite impressively) whilst cutting Danny's hair. Note to self, must not talk about emotional/emotive stuff with scissors in my hand!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Hannah treating us to lunch. I had noodles with asparagus, raw broccoli, mango, raddish, ginger, avocado, chillis & cashew nuts. Dee. Lish. 
2) Winter sunshine.
3) Hannah meeting some of the neighbours.

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