Back to nursery

A new half term has started today. CyclopsJnr was delighted to be back at nursery and got stuck straight in immediately as usual.

Grandma came for the drop off and had a look around nursery. She liked it! She thought it had good facilities and a nice atmosphere.

Highlights of the day include music, a classmate's birthday, and seeing a frog in the garden.

But when CyclopsJnr was collected he realised Grandma was gone home and he howled and howled in sadness right there in the classroom. The teachers said he'd been talking about her all day.

He did calm down enough to leave and we got on a bus, which took 45 mins (instead of 10!) due to an accident up the road. CyclopsJnr was surprisingly tolerant of this. He commented that the bus was full and asked me to help him count the people, then he pointed to each and we counted together and I filled in the bigger numbers (about 40 people!) CyclopsJnr has known some numbers in order but I couldn't be sure he'd 'got' the point of counting before, so it was interesting that he spontaneously initiated wanting to quantify something large.

Off the bus and we picked a few last blackberries for a snack, then home for some TV and low key playing and an early (for him!) sleep.

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