
By LuvU2

Carved Cow Horns

Some more from our Collection of African Art, I mentioned on my blips dated 19 November, 4 December as well as 7 December, how R snr buys all this from Francis, because he feels it his duty to support Francis, who rather offer you things to buy fom him, in stead of begging for money to support his family!

Beautiful handcrafted faces. Carved out of a single cow horn. The artists cut, heat and bend the horns to enable them to sculpture it into these handsome couples.

Each of these sculptures are original artworks, no two are the same!

Sorry for commenting so irregularly, dunno what is going on with our Internet, it is really frustrating me to a point of going bananas!!! It's been switching on and off every few minutes since last Sunday! I sometimes wait up to 10 minutes for a photo to download, then, after writing my whole comment, Internet switches off and I must sign up all over again!! FRUSTRATION!!

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