A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

La Magie de Paris

Another leisurely start to the day thanks to the combined joy of 1) being in an apartment and 2) being a 5min walk from a lovely boulangerie and coffee provider.

All packed up and an efficient plan to send the packhorse* menfolk to the left luggage place at Gare du Nord whilst the rest of us wended our way to our meeting place of Musee D’Orsay via the Jardin Tuileries. Also via ticking crepes off the list at a tiny shop with an owner that claimed to have the best crepes in Paris and then followed this up by very proudly showing us his trip advisor rating of #25 out of 14,500 restaurants in Paris. I didn’t partake but Anna assured me it was a fair rating. Should you wish to try for yourself it is the Happy Caffe and is on Rue du Rivoli.

Our plan for the day went a little awry when we realised it was a 2 hour queue for the D’Orsay. As lovely as it would have been to go in we didn’t think any of us had a 2 hour queue in us. Quick rethink and we jumped in cabs to Bastille and redirected the boys on their metro journey. We weren’t entirely sure what we would do but we hadn’t spent any time in the Marais and thought there would both be something to do and somewhere good to eat. The area delivered on both. Firstly we headed to the Musee de la Magie which not only had some interesting old magic gadgets but also some 18th century automates - automated machines and toys of all quirky and creepy varieties. And a magic show. With a French magician straight from Central Casting. This isn’t my best picture of the day but it was such unexpected bonus fun it has made the cut.

Post show we used the power of Tripadvisor to find somewhere open for lunch as we were a little out of Paris time sync and the place we had hoped to go was closing. Another bonus find as we feasted magnificently mainly on the house special of boeuf bourguignon at Au Bourguignon de Marais.**

Final stop for ice cream courtesy of a Berthillon off shoot on the Ile de la Cite, a walk past Notre Dame to nicely bookend the trip and on the Metro to Gare du Nord and on the Eurostar back home. Which is where I am now. And about to have a little napette.

Sorry to leave, happy to be headed home. It has been a bon vacances.

Lesley x

*their words. And they did volunteer.

**for the Cabin Pressure fans who know and care about these things you will be satisfied to learn that tagliatelle was also on the menu

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