Wasn't sure whether to blip about this but then I thought --- well blip is about whats going on in your life.... so here goes.

Lily is causing me grief at the moment.  She is aggressive towards Tino, she is demanding ( even more than usual ) and she is weeing - anywhere and everywhere.  The only time I can relax is when she is asleep - or when I'm out of the house and I try to put it out of my mind for a while.

It might be a medical problem ( UTI ) but until I get her to the vets I won't know.  I don't think it is though - its behavioral. I think she is marking her territory. 

I have done some research online but found no real answers.  Here are examples of what I did read ........ " Inappropriate weeing is the leading cause of Bengals being surrendered to shelters ".  " Its a common problem with this breed ". " My house is being slowly destroyed by my Bengal ". Not very reassuring.

This morning I went into the bathroom early and Lily followed me.  Then she went on to the landing and did a big wee on the floor there.  At least I saw her do it so I could clean it up.  And use some of the special spay I bought which is supposed to stop her weeing in the same place again. Later on she did a wee on some poly pockets I had on the sideboard.  Again I could see the evidence and sort it out.  However she obviously " goes " when I'm not around.  I can sometimes tell where as Tino sniffs the place to alert me.  But  there will other places which I have no clue about. 

This afternoon I realised there was a wet patch on the rug in the dining room.  Turned it over and it was full of stains.  Its dry clean only - but I can't be bothered to take it to the shop.  And anyway it stinks.  So its in the bin.

So for my blip collage I put two shots of the rug - and a few photos of Lily.  Lovely Lily. One is when she is asleep ( peace at last ) and the others are when she was in the bathroom  wanting to be fussed with.  She's fond of tummy tickles. If I didn't love her so much I think she would be " out on her ear ".

The rug has a pink pattern so I have tagged it for BCAM.  And also I gave the collage a pink background - wasn't there a song called " Lily The Pink"?

Anyway that's my tale of woe.

I've spent the day at home doing nothing much. Weather has been cold and rainy.

Neil got in touch.  He and Rachael were due to fly home from Ireland this afternoon but only Neil came back.  Rachael's uncle ( her Mam's brother ) died yesterday so she is staying on with her parents until later in the week.  Her work is OK giving her the time off. Neil got back OK - his flight was delayed but not by much. 

Steps today - 3,671

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