campervan man

By campervan

Christmas present

Last Christmas I was given a new tripod. I asked for a full sized one that could be folded quite small so its easy to carry around and this is exactly what I got. I used it for several weeks in the new year then, having probably left it lying around as you do, put it away. That was the last time I saw it.
Today we had a mega tidy up, three wardrobes emptied and contents sorted into keep, keep in roof and put in bin. The same operation was done in the airing cupboard. And guess what?....... Amoungst all the accumulated tat I found my tripod. So tonight the moon looked bright and clear so out I went and this is the result. I learned that I do not know my cameras knobs and buttons in the dark (take a torch next time) and the batteries in the remote shutter clicker do not last for ever (buy new batteries). However you can look forward to more after dark blips, well until I loose the tripod again

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