A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

2001: A Blip Odyssey


Thank you so much to you all for such a flattering and encouraging response to my 2000th consecutive image.

My motivation is always to have something to look back on and remember the day, rather than to covet hearts and stars and be on "the popular pages", but I do have to admit it has been very satisfying to slip briefly on to the bottom right hand corner of Page 1, before I vanish back to my habitual obscurity!!

So a huge thank you to everybody. I am inspired to continue.

I hope you will forgive the artistic license, but how could I let image 2001 pass, without paying homage to Kubrick's masterpiece?

And if I were to look out from my terrace and see the monolith floating in front of me, I would know something was going to happen. 

Something wonderful.

Another 2000 blips, perhaps?

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