Fern Dance

My Dear Princess and Fellows,

This is the pattern of light created by the tree fern shimmying around outside our window through the blinds. My favourite part of the day is pulling up the blind and seeing that fern out there.

I wonder if tree ferns will ever get old? So far, they still seem magic to me. I feel like a Wood Elf standing next to them. 

Oh shut up.

I did have plans for today, but managed to have a big ugly old chap style nap on the couch at lunchtime. I did that thing where I slept too much and woke up in a state of "uuuhhh...?"

It took me a while to remember who I was and how to walk.

But after that I got out my recipes and made Fat Pete's pesto bacon tagliatelle which was delicious. DELICIOUS. 

It says something about me that I'm already thinking about the chicken fajitas I'm going to make for dinner. 

You're probably getting the impression that I have done very little and got sucked into the couch today. You are sorely absolutely correct. 

Tra la la, I don't care. "Pesto Bacon" is my Wood Elf name.


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