Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

My Camera

Hello Blippers! Hope your all well!

This is the camera that I use to take most of my blips, and it's obviously much better than having to use a iPad. It's not been working properly recently, so hopefully I'll get a new Christmas!

I had my Spanish NAB today, which was relatively easy if I'm honest. Prelims are in November though, which is really scary because its only a month away.

For those of you that don't know, prelims are basically mock exams, as our real exams aren't until April/May, and they don't really have an influence on what you're overall grade is. I think for chemistry, instead of sitting in a big hall with loads of other people, I'll be going to a different room. I think my teacher thinks I have anxiety issues, which I would agree with, but I just hope it doesn't make people feel angry at me, ("why's he getting help, he's a smart one", is a response I'm expecting to hear from many people).

There is a news anchorwoman in Wisconsin that most of the Americans might have heard of. Her name is Jennifer Livingston, and she took a stand against bullying on Live tv (I've tried linking with my iPad, so if it doesn't work, just google her name and this video will be first)

As you probably know, I'm going through some ... Issues right now. This woman is completely right in what she's saying. Although I'm lucky enough not to have been bullied, I usually get called something at least once a week, both at school and at home.

I see it at school every single day on a daily basis. Whether it's a defenceless first year, someone getting picked on because of their weight, getting mocked because of a disability, and I feel powerless to stop it.

Just today, I seen an adult, probably a maintenance man for the school, walk past someone from my year, who I happen to know quite well, and say to his friend next to him "she's definitely a downie", which is a mean word for someone who has Autism or Downs Syndrome.

Anyway, you get the picture. People can be so cruel, and school kids are the absolute worst. There is no discipline. Teachers can't really do much to stop it, and for some reason, the bullies never seem to get in trouble for bullying.

So yeah.... Rant over for today!

Have a nice day

Steven :)

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