love is a verb

By loveeveryminute

Crazy Day

Enjoyed riding with Izzy. You will notice I am hiding my nose from you....
I raised Sunny the yellow rooster from a chick. Over the past year he has gotten more aggressive to humans. He flogged the little Fire Ant and her dad once, the hubs and me on several occasions. I always scoop him up under my arm when he does it and carry him around. This time he went for my face and bit me INSIDE MY NOSE!!!! Took a plug! ( Kinda funny now.) it didn’t hurt initially but I was gushing blood! Bled profusely for about 10 minutes! Ha! I am thankful it was not my eye. I’ve been keeping him up when the kids are here bc I didn’t trust him. When Hubs saw me, Sunny had to go. I hate it but can’t have increasingly aggressive behavior, especially with the children around.
Now you can say you know someone who got a nosebleed from a chicken!!
(Some days it’s so hard to be me... :—)
Be blessed!

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