my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

This house is protected by killer dust bunnies

Project deadlines looming at work mean it's pretty non stop and making me grumpy and tired but with all the mid week after school running round still to do.

Helped tonight by D who took over half the running and ALL the cooking.

Trapped in the cycle of work / life stuff knackering me when I finally get the girls in bed and finished the washing / lunchboxes and uniforms the last thing I want to do is tidy up.

BUT the messy house is driving me insane. I'm my own worst enemy...when I have some spare time I end up napping it away...then waking up and despairing about the mess.

This Wednesday night I hereby declare that by the weekend this house shall be clutter free, there will be no clothes in the floordrobe or pots in the sink and the next kitten / child toy I fall over will be banished to a 'leave on the floor...have it no more' box ;-)

The toys have even invaded my vintage record player.


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