
Didn't I say at some point in the last year or so that I was going to post selfies more regularly on here, just so I could watch myself ageing? If I did, I have stuck to the plan with the same painstaking commitment that I have applied to completing my novel, as attested by my daily score of '0 words' at the foot of the post. 

What I did manage to do, today, was to get out for an eleven mile run after I'd dropped Dan at work, this morning. I had been misled by my weather app into thinking it wouldn't be raining, but it was, albeit lightly, and I went out, anyway. 

Actually, the light to middling rain wasn't the main precipitation related issue: the heavy rain overnight - and, I guess, over the last few days - had left some serious flooding on the lanes. There were several stretches that were twenty or thirty yards long, one of which came up to the middle of my calves, resulting in a temporary running style akin to a pony doing dressage. 

Still, it made me enjoy being warm and dry for the rest of the day.

-13 kgs
0 words

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