Colour in a corner of the garden

A further drab day. However, the summer bedding plants are still going strong so provided a welcome splash of colour amidst the uninspiring light.

I spent a while in the morning on a teleconference call while Susan went up to her mum's to supervise the work of a jobbing builder who cold called on her yesterday pointing out some problems with her roof. To be fair to him he did point out problems that we knew about and couldn't find anyone who wanted to do the work. I had contacted the number on his card and explained why we were concerned. Again, to be fair, he got back to me and said he understood our concerns.

Nevertheless, we wanted to be there while he was doing the work. In the end, he seemed a personable young man trying to earn a living. He did a good job and showed me the work he's done. So that was another chunk of time devoted to Doreen.

The afternoon was spent on just this and that. I took the car to have new tyres and to buy stuff from B&Q for the studio, Susan did the ironing and other bits and pieces. Then a walk.

In the evening we went to a meeting of the local Maidstone RSPB Group for an illustrated talk on the nature and birds of Northumberland. A very traditional lecture with slides that the speaker had accumulated over many years. Mind you, his photos of birds and animals were very good and had obviously taken many years of patient photography to acquire.

I'm not sure we'll join the local group. Being a member of the RSPB confers no benefits and you have to join the local group and pay for each meeting you attend. We're not sure that the "Birds of Costa Rica", excellent though they might be, is something that will float our boat!

We've had more photos of Landon on his first day at home. He's been introduced to the three dogs; they all appear to take it in their stride. He's fine and doing well and looks so lovely.

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