A huge amount of rain in the night and more today - floods now. I had to go into Bantry and Eugene behaved immaculately though I haven't quite got the hang of the windscreen wipers and lights - far too many options! I had to go and have a B12 injection and whilst there also had a flu jab and blood extracted to see if I still needed the B12. Apparently I don't have pernicious anaemia which can only be a good thing, whatever it is I don't like the sound of it. I had to wait ages but it's never dull for absolutely everyone talks. I had a good chat with an old chap who extracted all necessary information in under 2 minutes flat.
The rain eased off and there was a bit of a blow this afternoon so I went for a quick dash around the circuit. All fishing boats in at the pier but it's amazing the interesting shapes and colours you can find if you dangle off a pontoon and look underneath.
An awful lot of trees down and still many homes without electricity.
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