Poppy Day

I've been to my folks' today, and normally at this time I'd just be arriving home on the train, but today we came into Lincoln for them to go to a supermarket. (Aldi - I wasn't that impressed...) 

We were late leaving, as my Dad needed me to fill in and post a form for him, and also collect a prescription from the rather chaotic village chemist. My Mum was still in bed too! By the time I was back, it was almost the time we'd normally be arriving back from a shopping trip. My dad still wanted to go though. 

Once the shopping was done, it wouldn't have been worth me going back with them, as I'd have had to leave straight away to catch the train, so my Dad dropped me in town instead and I walked home after picking up some dates from the market to make some cereal bars. They are now baking nicely in the oven! 

When I was walking home I saw Lee and Brandon leaving the shop. Lee's partner is back in hospital so it looks like Brandon will be doing the frying tonight! We will be fine...

I'd taken photos of poppies whilst walking to my folks this morning. I couldn't choose between this shot and one taken on my camera's colour pop setting, so I've added it as an extra! Let me know which you prefer... 

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