Interloper alert!

A stray cat ran across the patio and into her garden. She saw the movement and sprang to alert and rushed to the glass storm door to defend her territory. Her tail was puffed and she snorted a bit before finally losing interest and heading back to another nap.

We really enjoyed the exchange last evening between Katy Turn and NPR's Robin Young about Katy's 500 days on the Trump campaign trail as a journalist for NBC and MSNBC. Katy's family has been involved in news gathering her whole life. She spent an exciting childhood expecting her parents to lift off in their helicopter at a moments notice to cover LA news stories. One story includes being the first to locate and televise  OJ Simpson's white Bronco on the California 405 Freeway that fateful day in 1994. Her mum was barely  strapped in, hanging out of the helicopter filming as her dad flew the copter.

She patiently signed her book,  Unbelievable, My Front-Row Seat to the Craziest Campaign in American History,  for a long line of admirers last evening.

For the Record,
This day came in cold, but has warmed up nicely with bright sun.

All hands disgusted with the Moron yet again. This time over his insensitive and disrespectful condolence phone call to Army Sgt La David Johnson's grieving family as they rode in a car to receive his body. Sgt Johnson was killed in an ambush in Niger, many questions remain about the incident.

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