
By PaulaJ

I love Florence!

It is breathtaking in the number and size of the statues that adorn every corner of the spacious piazzas, the grandeur of the churches and civic buildings and the labyrinth of narrow alleys lined with shops.

We have only glimpsed at it all at the moment, but my blip had to be the Duomo. The dome of the cathedral dominates the Florence skyline, but, when you actually come upon it close up, the sheer size is overwhelming. It dates from the 14th and 15th century and the exterior is a decorative riot of pink, white and green marble. It really has to be seen to be believed. Of course to complete the experience one is supposed to climb the 463 steps almost to the top. You can see people at the rail in the picture. One of us may be doing this tomorrow. I don't think it will be me!

For a gorgeous Italian chap serving the most wonderful gelato see here. For some amazing views of the Swiss mountains from the plane window see here.

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