Ow. Just Effing OW.

My Dear Fellows & Princess Normal,

So I woke up this morning and one side of my face looked like someone had pumped air into it. I went to work anyway, but stopped off at a nearby dentist who fortunately could fit me in later that morning.

I told my PM who took one look at me and asked why I was there. I'm glad I did it. Showing your manager that one side of your face now looks like an @rse-cheek is so much more dramatic than calling in sick.

So I popped along to the dentist. I took the picture in the foyer of her office building. The dentist was lovely but the news was not good. It turns out that a root canal I had about 4 years ago was not done properly. It was now badly infected. 

"Has it been uncomfortable all this time?" she asked, surprised.

I suppose it kind of had. But as I wasn't sure what a root canal was supposed to feel like, I just thought it was always going to be a bit tender.

She gave me the choice. Another root canal or extraction. "Get it out! Get it out of meeeeee!!!" I wanted to say. My whole head felt like it had a pulse by this time.

But. Oh my GOD. It was so sore and swollen it was hard to get the anaesthetic fully in there. She worked and sweated on me for five minutes and then informed me that it had come out. 

"It was REALLY badly infected," she told me. "Do you want to see??"

"No. No. Really. I'm good."

Again. Not actually what I was saying to her in my head.

She advised me to get painkillers and antibiotics QUICKLY before the anaesthetic wore off. I barely made it. I crashed in the front door at about eleven like a mad thing. I thought I was going to spew, faint and cry all at once.

I was NOT a brave little soldier. But Er Indoors was lovely and Jasper did his usual thing of taking care of me. He always knows when I am not well and snuggles up.

Three hours and a nap later and I feel SO much better. I'll be fine to go to work tomorrow but WHOLLY EFFING ESS let's never do that again.


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