
By Houseonahill6


Very rainy in the morning and windy too.We needed a few things so headed to Portree. The sun was really trying to come out and we drove down a little road and up to The Cuillin View Hotel where the views across to the pretty rows of colourful cottages were great although we could nt see the Cuillin.
We were going to eat at the Edinbane Inn and listen to to the traditional music but there was no where to park so gave up instead we had a lovely drive down a country road next to a loch.This ruined croft was at the start of the road and would make an ideal self catering. The sign made me smile, no lambs this time of year but plenty of lambs.
We watched a large group of geese take off and land in a field with the sheep.
When we got home a number of whooper swans flew over being chased by a bird of prey.

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