We are the champignons

My Mum was discharged from hospital yesterday (back to the care  home) and my Dad got a call at 1am last night to say the care home had called an ambulance to take her back to hospital because her blood sugar was too high.

Ridiculous! 1) that she was hospitalised for this as it is not an emergency and 2) that my Dad was rung in the middle of the night.

Unsurprisingly the hospital sent her straight back and I'm hopping mad about the apparent complete lack of communication between the services.

When you commit something so precious into someone else's care then you really REALLY want to believe you've done the right thing.  We've made allowances and been re-assured again and again but I'm beginning to think the care home are deep into a game of pass-the-buck.  What appears to be a basic lack of understanding of diabetes is causing unnecessary distress and cost to the NHS, to Mum and also to Dad.

Or maybe it's a strategic game, to strengthen their/our appeal against her latest assessment.  Who knows.  But at the moment my Mum is not receiving the care that she deserves, and it is so frustrating.

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