Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Billy waiting for a treat...

I am so mean...

Couldn't think of anything else to blip quickly today and Billy was hanging around asking for I got one of his treats out (he gets them very rarely)! I held the treat in my hand so he could smell it but not get it, and managed to get a few shots! Then I gave him the treat, and of course when there were no more, he wasn't interested anymore....

Anyway this was the best shot 'soft focus' and 'vignette' in picasa :)

I've had my interview which was ok, but they have had lots of applicants they said they were surprised by the number of applicants! So now I wait to hear...

Off to work shortly...

Not sure if I'll get to blip at all tomorrow because I'm up at 4.30am to catch a train at 6.30am to this course! I'll have to walk through the streets in the town at just before 6am, not looking forward to that! This course better not be cancelled that's for sure, or I will be very cross.... Back around 8/9pm even... I'll catch up as soon as ever I can though...

Have a great day blippers :)

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