Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Just who the flip do I think I am? Part 1.

So I got my Ancestry DNA results back. I can't explain why but it's such a relief that I'm channeling the Celtic and Nordic fringe big time. My ethnicity can be traced back to thousands of years ago and is a hearty mix of satisfying intrigue that raises a thousand more questions most of which shall never be answered.....6% glorious African - where we all started - specific to Mali and the Ivory Coast, 16% Scandinavian (I am Viking hear me roar), 37% Irish (yaaaaaassss, this pleases me beyond measure) and with the odd 1% found here and there in Iraq/Iran, Mediterranean and Russia, the rest is 39% northern Briton (Pictish 'till I die!). More recently the results for my DNA communities over the last few 100 years states they are in north east Scotland heartlands (teuchter quine), Sutherland and Orkney (thank you Sinclair line) but also Nova Scotia, mainly because of the exodus of Scots during the 1800s and 1900s, not least of young orphans via children's homes.

So I kind of flippin' do know who I motherflippin' am.

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