
Well Ophelia certainly nudged us a little, the sky was 'odd' this morning, all golden and hazy as the sun rose, I realise this was the sand being blown in that others further up country reported later in the day.  It was rather beautiful.

Meanwhile, the site where my office is is on a rather exposed spot and we could feel the power of the wind at it's peak but no apparent damage thankfully, either at work nor at home once I got back from the school run.  

After tea we decide to go down and have a look at the sea and managed to find a couple of the Portuguese Man'o war that are being washed up - they're much smaller than I expected but rather odd and gorgeous colours!

As ever, today I think of my Dad (I probably think of him most days to be honest) but I wish he could be here to see these brilliant grandchildren of his.  I know I'm biased but I think he'd be proud of them.

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