~Drive By~

I had a wonderful day today..
First thing this morning I spent editing all the pictures I had taken from the pumpkin patch. I had 505 pictures to do.
This afternoon Carol (Legacy) and I went to a art class to learn how to do Mandela art at the Lynden library.. It was a lot of fun, with more practice I think my work will improve.
After class we went to Olive Garden for dinner and 2 small samples of  some delicious wine. Next shopping at our favorite store Pier 1. Got out of there only buying 1 glass. Last but not least home to spend another few hours on photos.
In case I haven't explained. My friend Kyla and I are taking pictures 2 Saturday's in October for the Whatcom Railway pumpkin train ride. We are posting out pictures in hopes the people may buy some copies. We saw over 600 people yesterday and expect as many next Saturday as well. 

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