Q, Shep and Dolly

Spent the day organising myself to go on holiday, I wanted to have a nap instead but thought I really had better stop procrastinating! My friends Tommy and Peter came round whilst Tommy cut my hair, it's always lovely to see them both! I ironed and packed everything I'm taking and I've checked in for my flights now, not much left to do, just a day and a half of work left! Shep was trying to steal Q's treats despite having his own, cheeky bunny!

For those that don't know, I'm going to Thailand to visit my friends Stef and Phil! Phil was in an accident on his bike and broke his leg, he needed a fairly big surgery to repair it and he's still not really up and about yet! Looking forward to seeing them both, although i wish it hadn't taken Phil getting injured for it to happen! Lewis has to work, he's staying at home and looking after the bunnies, so I know they are in good hands!

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