That's Life!

By Agan

What Friends Are For . . .

When I was a consultant producing corporate publications, I unveiled a new magazine to the board members of a leading South African firm. They were delighted - until the MD's son pointed out we'd managed to get a spelling mistake in a 2-inch deep headline. Needless to say, my company had to pay to reprint it . . .

After that, I wondered how sign makers get away with glaring spelling mistakes on signs on buildings, buses and in the streets. Assuming the clients can't spell, don't they have a son to tell them. Or, in the case of this restaurant, a friend?

Not that I should be too smug . . . in yesterday's blip (here) I used the word "hanged' when I should have written "hung." Fortunately, a friend told me, and I've just corrected it . . .

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