Tale of Two ....


These two bouquets represent two totally different meanings.

The roses on the right were given to a co-worker by her husband to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. Actually, these are only a small sampling of the many, many roses he sent her. In total there were 20 dozen! She decided to share her wealth with some of the other ladies in the office - me included!

The other bouquet was given to me by another co-worker & good friend. Actually, she is now my former co-worker (but still my good friend!) as today was my last day of employment! Needless to say, it was a very emotional day with many tears. I have worked in my current position for over five years and have known a lot of my co-workers for those five years plus six years before that. And I will miss all of them (well, almost all!).

However, the day ended on an up note as we attended the first play of the season at DeSales University. The production was Arsenic and Old Lace and was fabulous! There is nothing better than live theatre to boost your spirits!

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