Life through the lens...

By ValC


This year I haven't taken a photo yet of our hydrangea and today I thought it deserved the limelight for Flower Friday.
These plants are now coming back into favour.
It is one of the few plants  that was in our garden when we moved in.
The weather seems to have suited it this year, and I think it has been better than ever. I love how the delicate pink flowers change to a much deeper almost maroon red in autumn.
I was going to take a close up shot, but much preferred this one of the whole bush.

It has really been a strange weather day.
It feels so warm outside, and colder in. 20C when we were in the car.
No sun however, and so dark we had to put the lights on this afternoon.
Very windy this morning, but a warm wind.
Not sure what tomorrow will bring. Sounds better down south!

Hope you all have a good weekend.
Flu jabs for us tomorrow!

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