argyrios journal

By argyrios


I have to admit that if my photography reflects my mood, I am in a pretty shit mood lol. At least my sense of humor is still around. As tweet yesterday "The moment you feel you want to Run Away from everything, you just have to convince yourself to Run...." I was thinking that I will do Run first think in the morning, I have not. But at around 10 thought If I will not go for running I will be depressed. So I did and did some exercise in the outdoor trial, I start feeling the pain now, although I did not run more than ten minutes and exercise in total for 20 but I am sure that tomorrow will be painful hihi. But it was a nice mood boost hihi. Also after my nap I have an e-mail which makes me feel better and still feeling that I am not giving up hihi...
ups and yes this is the today photo. It was late...I used flash...
do not know if it is great but we keeeeeep snapping :P

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