Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Flower Friday

Yesterday was eventful. First the dog had to go to the vet with a paw injury - actually very minor but due to the fact she had licked the very small wound incessantly (and noisily) for 24 hours straight it had become infected. No cone of shame for greyhounds so she is now wearing a sock - she's not impressed. And I was about £60 lighter after the vet's fee and the purchase of baby socks and vet wrap - plus extra treats of course. 

Then I went to the GP, which after a long sequence of events involved me being in A and E until 1am. I have chest pain, which it has been decided is not cardiac (phew) but is as yet unexplained. I had the full A and E experience, including 2 intoxicated patients having a sweating contest, another under the influence of something running around scaring kids with a clown mask, yet another treating the entire hospital to his views on immigration (prefaced with the heart-sinking 'I'm not a racist but.....") and finally someone being escorted by police officers telling us all he is happy to "do the 20 years". I don't know how the staff do it. 

Fortunately I live across the road from the hospital so I could walk home at 1am - I met David walking to find me, which was lovely of him. Back to the GP next week to try and suss out what it is but at least in the meantime I am reassured it's not imminently life threatening. 

A bit of flower faffing today for Flower Friday  - thanks BikerBear as ever. 

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