Have a nice daye!

By Su5hma

And about time too!

Off to EK this afternoon with S to try to get us both a new phone! Unfortunately they didn't have the size that S wanted but it appeared I was in luck.... after sitting in the shop for the best part of an hour, just about to pay for it I was told the customer services guys had cancelled my order and I would have to wait 24 hours for it to be reset to allow me to upgrade.... To say I wasn't impressed was a bit of an understatement! Especially as the £10 thank you voucher expired today!

After getting home I decided that I needed to call customer services to complain! I finally got through to a call handler called Jason who went out of his way to help me - even down to getting one of his colleagues to constantly phone the EK store to get them to put the phone aside for me! After about 45 mins I decided I was going to just head back across. I got there to be told that the supervisor that Jason had got on board to help had spoken to the store about 5 mins ago and got the phone set aside for me to come get it tomorrow as the guy in the shop said my account was still locked.... Well I wasn't taking no for an answer at this point!!!! Got the guy in the shop to call up and voila - I am now completely skint but am the owner of a shiny new handset! And credit where it is due, RBS have said as it's a replacement handset, I don't have to wait 14 days for my insurance to take effect!!! Result - even if it was a painful journey!

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