Square Frames

By squareframes


Today Denver was in celebration as thousands came out of nowhere this afternoon to watch the Colorado Rockies' Opening Day. I hustled through traffic with Ollie, most likely making those owners of Excursions and other SUV's wish they had a scooter, let alone looked as cool as me cruising by. Being able to bypass the waiting in line aspect and march right up to the front of the line was exhilarating- according to some, Europe supports that kind of thing. Is this right guys?

I bounced up to my 'parking spot' next to a light pole and jumped off Ollie to take pictures. The energy was infectious. This little guy was all geared up for the batting cage the event staff had setup with his brother and father looking on. Spring is here, friends. And it feels great. I was offered a beer by several parties tailgating. My best excuse was 'working' and for a brief moment I fell into the role of documentary photographer 'covering' the event. Now that really felt good. Maybe that means something.

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