La vida de Annie

By Annie

¡Está debajo de aquí!

It's under here, apparently, the section of waste pipe blocked with tree roots. The plumbing problem of last year seemed to be resurfacing (so to speak), as demonstrated by gurgling sounds in the sinks when the upstairs apartment ran their washing machine (which they have done, constantly, for a week). Not wishing to spend days in a foul waterlogged place with the mains water disconnected again, I quickly reported it. Luckily the president was still here, and he got a drainage inspection team out to investigate with all kinds of high-tech equipment; I particularly lusted after the red thing like an assault rifle with a ball on the end, which worked like a metal detector and produced varying waily sounds. The section of pipe from mine and upstairs' apartments was cleared, but the bit under the walkway wall needs to be dug out and replaced, or it's just a temporary solution. Not holding my breath for that to happen though, what with the big bank holiday coming up this week - Fiesta nacional de España - which may spark a few Catalan protests. Although Menorca is part of Catalonia, it is also very independent, and many people have a village mentality, loyal to their local roots. Most are
Menorquín, Catalán, Español  in that order, but favour a unified Spain. I could have got that wrong of course, getting most of my info from local newspapers which I translate very poorly. No armed police clubbing people to the ground as yet....

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