
This is a selection of pics I took while exploring the bog that is called the Moine Mhor. Its just that a bloody great big wet bog.
Now the cynic in me says why on earth are they preserving this area of potentally good grazing land by keeping it as one big bog! No big animal in their right mind goes there, I never see any birds on it and the notic board says its good for spotting insects! In their zeal to preserve this wetland it also has a knock on effect on surrounding farmlands by causing flooding and leaving nearby farms with wet soggy almost useless grazing.
The crofter in me says why in God's name are they not cutting peats here and heating up all the houses of the surrounding pensioners for free! Or why not drain the bloody thing and turn it into decent good common rough grazing?
The yummy mummy in me says its nice as it is and its nice to see.......what exactly? bugger all but bogland!
Im thinking the crofter in me is winning the arguement.
The crofter/cynic in me also laughs as there is a boarded walkway so you can go there without getting your La Boutines wet!
Large isnae bad!
Happy blipping all

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