Andy's, Mary's an Nellie's
Winds have been blowing all day, and the rain poured down all morning. By lunchtime, the showers cleared and a sunny afternoon was had. More showers this evening.
I was meant to be working in the museum office today, but since I've been away, my pc has locked me out! So it's been a day on the museum desk. I was a steady morning with the rain, and continued into a steady afternoon. After work, I managed a decent walk with Sammy around Scalloway, but the rain has out us off for more just now. Off to work in the pub later.
I popped down to see mam at lunchtime, and grab a bite to eat too. She was doing good, but I couldn't stay too long. As I was leaving, it was a quick snap. These three houses have played parts in my life. Andy's on the left background is where I used to visit as a bairn, and watch old WWII movies with Andy and mam also did home help for him. Mary's in the centre has never been occupied in my life, and always was like a spooky haunted house. We spent hours visiting Nellie's. She used to fill us up with sweets and treats and cared for us as bairns. And then I lived here for a couple of years. Andy Adamson died when I was about 20, an old man with disabilities from birth, and Nellie was an old lady all my childhood, think she was about 90 when she passed away when I was about 12. Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.
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