Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


The glaziers came this morning. Archie did bark for a wee while, but then trotted round after the chaps, especially the one who threw the football for him in the back garden. One chap took one whole window out to work on in their van, thereby keeping an eye out for the traffic warden, and the other took the panes out from the outside. We were having four panes replaced, so that's a good job done.

And they were very helpful - they loosened the top bay windows, which had been painted shut (oops!) when I did them last year.

When Kevin couldn’t figure out how to reach the inside of top secondary glazing, and we were resigned to putting up with them, and considered getting lighter blinds and having them half down all the time, so as not to have to see the offending glass. I think we were both dreaming about the puzzle, and finally, this morning, the penny dropped! The top outside window down, so the top inside secondary glazing could be reached. I don’t know what ways Kevin tried, but it wasn’t that, the most obvious method. Yay!

Just as well the glaziers were here, because when I tried to open the top windows, I couldn’t budge them, but one of the chaps helpfully dislodged them all. Result. Now just need to get Kevin back to finish them off.

JR took Archie out for a run, and they met Louis, a nine year old schnauzer. They had a nice run around while the adults were chatting. His owners were saying that when they first got him, you didn’t see another schnauzer in Edinburgh, but now they meet lots!


Or common...

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