October sunshine (Day 887)

The morning dawned grey and damp. The woofers and I were accompanied on the morning wander up the hill by my beautiful wife, and we all got a bit wet as a heavy shower blew in as we returned to the car. It was quite unpleasant.
It was soon time for me to trundle to Stromness to have a look at a job, which would be simple enough to do if the part required was easily available in Orkney. I will have to return another day. I went on to another simple job, then dropped in to Crispin who needed a bit of advice.
I knew that HV was at Ej's so thought I would head across and have a coffee with them.
Back home for lunch and a trip out to Evie in fabulous sunshine for a walk along the beach. HV took loads of pics of a really happy Talisker swimming around, chasing bits of seaweed and stick.

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