
Alan started work today for the rest of this week, so he left to go to the office and I went down for breakfast - he gets lots of food during the meetings, so he didn't want a big breakfast too.

I then set off to go back to Sentosa Island, with my doctor's note to enable me to do the dolphin trek.  I didn't have to be there until 2.30pm, but I wanted to go to the beach beforehand, so I caught the train to the Harbour Front, and this time I decided to take the cable car to Sentosa, which went up to Mount Faber first.  

I got off to have a look round as it's the highest point in Singapore, with outstanding views - fortunately it's been very clear today so I could see for quite a distance.  Interestingly on the top of the mountain there's a restaurant with a wrought iron fence, that's covered in bells rather than love locks.  I googled to see what it was and it says that they're wishing bells and on Valentines Day in 2015 there was an event up there, where couples went for dinner, wrote a love message on the bells, and then tied them to the railings.  The gift shop still sells the bells in pairs, for people to write their messages, and add them to the fence.  There's also a big happiness bell which the couples would then ring (see extras).

I then jumped back on the cable car and went down to Sentosa, enjoying the views on the way.  I went to Siloso beach this time which was like stepping into paradise, and I think it's nicer than Palawan beach from yeterday.  This shot is an aerial view taken from the cable car.

I went for a swim in the sea, and the water was so warm, it was like getting in the bath, but  I only had an hour there, as I needed to get back to the dolphin cove. Thankfully they accepted the letter, and the dolphin trainer said that they'd put today's session on especially for me as normally they don't do it every day, so that was really nice of them.  There were two other people doing it, and he said that they were lucky as in other circumstances they wouldn't have been able to do it.

Anyway, we got kitted out in our wetsuits and boots, had a briefing about the helmets and oxygen tanks and went through the hand signals that would be used.  We then met Rong Rong, our dolphin and had photos taken before we were submerged into the depths of the water.  I was the first in and had to climb down a ladder until I was down to my shoulders in the water, when they first put the oxygen tank on my back and then fitted the helmet.  There was a loud popping sound as the oxygen was connected, and then I had to continue down to the bottom.  My ears were quite painful due to the pressure, but I held my nose and blew out to make them pop, and then I was fine.

Once on the bottom, the diver had an underwater camera and proceeded to take photos with Rong Rong who did various tricks and also came to me and stayed with me until the diver waved him away.  It was an amazing experience and apparently this is the only place in the world that offers this underwater programme.  I noticed that there were two viewing windows, where people could watch the dolphins, and there was a huge crowd watching us and taking photos - the guy who was in our group didn't seem too impressed about it, and said he felt we were part of the show, but I think it's nice that people could watch.

When it was over we made our way back to the surface and once the equipment was removed we had to shower off but there was no rush to leave, so I enjoyed watching the dolphins swimming around and occasionally jumping.  Sadly we couldn't take our bags into the lagoon area, and photography wasn't allowed, but I've bought a couple of their photos though, and I've added these to my extras.

I got back to the hotel not long before Alan, and I had a soak in the bath to freshen up before heading out.  We went to Bugis Street Market, which sells a mix of clothes, souvenirs and food, and is very traditional.  It was very busy and great to see, so I'll probably go back there during the day to have a look round.

We had a quick bite to eat and then came back to the hotel as I'm tired and have to be up early tomorrow for my next adventure!

Apologies for the lack of comments, but I don't know where the time's going and I've not been in the hotel long enough to read your blips.  I'll catch up soon, but for now I'm off to sleep again.

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