Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1081. BCAM10 - Look what I made!

A few weeks ago I bought a gorgeous lacy nightie in a vintage store....I loved it so decided to check out the designer to see if I could get another one.....well yes I could if I parted with £300! So being my Mother’s daughter, I thought....I’ll buy some stretchy lace and a pattern and make my own.....
Well the pattern looked sooooo complicated and not the same as the nightie I had....so yesterday I pinned the nightie to my pink lacy fabric and cut around it....very carefully I might add! And two hours later having mastered the tension on my sewing machine....I ended up with this!

I’m so chuffed....my eldest sister is a whizz at sewing but I’m usually clueless....can’t quite believe that it’s worked out!

So a perfect choice for breast cancer awareness month!

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