LMGL - Project 366

By LMGLPhotography

2/365 - Hide me

**EDIT** If you are interested in the processing of this image, check out this article on my blog: http://365.laurilaukkanen.com/post/32733839122/hidemeedit

Strobist: One strobe 1/16 from cam right. (lighting diagram in my article)

I received some really exciting news today:

I am now a regular author on SLR-Lounge, one of the world's largest photography websites! My very first article was published today! Please check it out, and tell me what you think:



Read more about this photo (bts, tutorial, lighting diagram etc.) and my 365 project here:

Project 365: 365.laurilaukkanen.com
500px: 500px.com/photo/15037399

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