Duck love

Oh my word, what a day. Up at 5, out by 5:30, Norfolk by 8:30 (that's the new, cautious driving for you.) New starter by 10. I'm not very used to new starters actually expecting me to be their manager. I found the stationary cupboard and everything and muddled through.

And she is fabulous, very normal and good. Although I was then entrusted to take her out this evening. I took her to the pub with the lovely, v cheap wine, I talked her through my dad's funeral, sent her up for another bottle. Then reinforcements arrived, we told her how bonkers but actually ok it all is. Then went to inspect her massive house thing she is in that we never knew existed in this hotel.

I hope she comes back tomorrow.

I'm eating my hotel biscuits now.

Oh and these were two of the ducks settled down for the night in the way back from the pub. (With the lovely, v cheap wine)

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