Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Mackenzie Country

Mackenzie Country

Homeward bound and to get from Christchurch to Wanaka the preferred route is through the middle of the island on what is known as the Scenic Route through Mackenzie Country. I am not sure if Tussock has barked of the Mackenzie area but it is a barren and harsh environment which used to support mainly sheep
grazing but with the addition of millions of dollars of irrigation equipment and a continuous water supply is now supporting dairy cattle in large numbers and lots of very green grass. The soil structure is very porous and many fear that large application of fertilisers and water may ultimately cause leaching into a large network of waterways and lakes and big trouble in future years but only time will tell if the farming community and the scientists have got this right and no one on this journal will be around to complain if they haven't. Such is the way progress and wealth we are told. Hmmmmm

This view is across the original landscape to the mountains bordering the western side of this area and I am pleased to report that The Boss got wet feet when he stepped on a nice little island (which wasn't) on his way to a better view angle.
We travelled home via THC and Tussock broke her own personal speed record crossing the space from THC to the car front door. She normally enters the back door but Suzz was full of stuff so it was dress circle today.

We got a big welcome home when, on turning all the technology on, The Boss found that the Modem Router had lost it's marbles completely and was sitting there sucking it's thumb. The nice man at Telecom knew just what it needed to know and whoohoo we are back. Just as well as The Boss was about to break out the pigeons.

P.S. The Boss has also written this on a bit of paper so he can forget it with some style.
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