She stoops to conker!

Went to the library this morning to order a book for J, and choose a few for myself. I like looking on the, New Reads  stand first, as there is something special about being the first person to read  a new book. Off to the gym then, and afterwards, I went into Newbridge Fields. I went in search of some conkers to put in my wardrobe, as they allegedly keep spiders away. I don't know of it's true or not, but if anything will keep them away, I'm prepared to give it a go. While I was searching under the trees, I saw about six squirrels, but when they saw me, they all ran up into the tree, and I could hear them scampering along the branches.    I walked half way home, and J met me. We had bacon sandwiches for lunch, and they  were really yummy. This afternoon, J has been repairing  our security light. He had to fabricate a new steel bracket, as the other one had rusted through. I cleaned the windows outside, so I hope it doesn't rain for a few days. 

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