Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

To See The Sea

We all felt a bit shabby this morning. Ben and the boys got up early and sorted out their own breakfast, when I came downstairs they had all the spreads out, toast made, eggs fried. So grown up! 

Ben went off to football (2-1, he was man of the match #proudmum), and Amelia off to Esja's for some top secret birthday stuff. So Marc, Francis and I took the boys to the beach. Juliette couldn't face it so she stayed in bed. When Francis told them to take their shoes off (to avoid getting them wet) I don't think he realised this would mean they went in deeper and got all their clothes soaked!

Since our guests left we have mooched and snoozed, and I have done some work. Ben briefly returned before going out to go mountain-boarding, and now he is as knackered as the rest of us. 

I do love a busy weekend. Oh, and my new laptop is really lovely.....

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