Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

200 Times I Thank You.....

So, I have spent the last half an hour writing a 10 x relating to the fact that I have contributed 200 entries.....
i have since erased them, .....

Really, all I want to say is.......
A lot has happened in the past 100 days since my last century....I have loved, lost, cried, my heart.......but....
Things are now beginning to look up again, and for the first time in a long time, I am feeling happy, positive, special, wanted, important, and secretly in a place I really would live to be for the foreseeable future!!!!

Today, I had date number 2....Iain, Murf and I went to Carnoustie for a huge long long walk, and we literally had the best time in the whole world...and we both didn't want it to end......we talked, laughed, talked some more........ and Kissed....

Things truly looking up, and again I am smiling.....inside....and out.....xxxx

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